"R4B" gives business owners the ability to monitor, manage, and improve every aspect of the business's online reputation, including online reviews, social media, and local SEO.

The project I originally joined was quickly shut down due to a lack of marketplace interest (we created a plugin that allowed Facebook members to "hide" content they shared) - formally know as 

After the team decided to shutdown, there were many projects to choose from. has products for different types of privacy needs (some more consumer oriented... others, enterprise). I began working on an updated flow for adding, editing and reviewing members biography's which has a less an appealing UI and didn't have a end-to-end experience to orientate the customer (to the product). While the work was being scoped... there was an ultimate decision to just focus on the confirmation of biographies (continuing to email back and forth with reps). 

p.s. Omnigraffle was clearly our tool of choice here.... as you can tell with so many wireframes.

I was really excited to work on larger platform products (so I asked for more). 

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